Teaser Bar
The Hook'em Teaser Dredge Extension Bar with gimble pin locator is available in 1 length option which will cover most situations. Made from electropolished marine grade stainless steel to our exacting standards right here in Australia.
This model is fitted with a traditional cleat-style tackle restraint system ensuring a long and durable service life. Storage is also made easier with both options being a 2 piece screw-together design so it can be tucked away in most nooks on your vessel.
To suit: 0° vertical and 30° offset rod holders.
Note: Rigging kit is "NOT" included.
Hook'em will NOT Warranty any item if it has been misused from its intended purpose and, as a result, has caused accidental or careless breakage of the item and any other item attached to or near at the time of failure, breakage or damage.
Care and Maintenance
Hook'em Fishing Australia uses the best materials available to build its products. They are designed to last a lifetime provided you care and maintain the item after every use. In particular, if you use your product in a harsh saltwater environment we recommend you thoroughly wash the item with clean fresh water after every use to prolong the life of the item.
If the item is made of Stainless Steel or Aluminium and you DO NOT wash it in clean fresh water, it will likely show signs of corrosion much faster than if you wash it after use regularly.